Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Never rely on your children to be alarm clocks.

I woke up this morning to a text from my sister in law Carolyn letting me know that she would be late to our couponing day. Uhhh.. it was 9:30 which just happened to be the time we were supposed to meet up. "Oh don't worry about being late, I will just wait here for you because I totally set my alarm and stuff!" Jokes, I told her the truth but I could've easily gotten away with it. Seriously though, I didn't feel the need to set my alarm because the baby usually wakes me up around 8. Such a sweetheart to let me sleep in. This little hiccup didn't kill my goals though, I still put some make up on, brushed my teeth, and even remembered deodorant (3 points to Kelsi). I even threw my hair up in the prettiest high bun that I could instead of my go to sloppy top knot. I then figured I should try to balance out my lack of hairstyle by wearing a maxi dress and some sparkly lip gloss. Totes gorg. Ready in 10 and out the door.

Couponing. Wow. I don't even know where to begin. I tried so hard to follow along and understand everything that I was being told but it was so overwhelming. Carolyn is the Queen of couponing. I am in awe of this woman. Seriously. I can't believe how organized and thorough she is. I honestly think I started to drool as I watched her during check out. I mean that in the least creepy way possible. She is a great teacher and I am sure I will get the hang of this whole thing eventually but for now I'm really using her as a crutch and its a darn good thing she is patient because if she wasn't I would've given up already. Todays killer deal : 4 cent taco shells. You heard me. FOUR CENTS. Holla atchya girl!! I got a few other really great deals but I wont bore you with the details. 

After my exhausting coupon adventure I drove past a McDonalds and... oops. Large coke please. 

Baby steps. 

When I got home I did a little jig with my husband as I explained all the sweet deals I got and then plopped on the couch and finished up my grocery list then whoosh! I was headed out the door again to go shopping. 

Shopping done. Back aching. Feet cramping. Hair falling.

I'm a firm believer in the "one trip from car to house with the groceries even if my arms break" concept.   YIKES. Today was a doozy. I had to leave the milk and send my husband back out to get it because I literally had to catch my breath. I live on the second floor of our apartment complex and I had A LOT of groceries so its only partly because I'm out of shape that my lungs felt like they were going to explode. I'm pretty sure I have a couple bruises on my wrists but I decided those are just initiation marks into the grocery warrior mom club. Are you a member yet? 

After such a long day I really considered ordering pizza for dinner but I know how happy making dinner makes me so I sucked it up and made mashed potatoes, chicken, spinach, and steamed broccoli. It was pretty delish if you ask me. Liam totally ate 90% of his plate.. with a little help from our friend "caca" thats chocolate in his language. We only gave him 1/4 of a chip each time he took a bite so I feel a little better about it now. 

Dinner done. Kids bathed. 

I may or may not have stepped on my maxi dress while trying to get down next to the tub to give Liam his bath and landed straight on my caboose. Add aching tush to my list of todays ouchies. I laughed it off like a champ... and so did Liam. I've raised a real sweetheart. 

We got the kids in bed, I put my sweats on, and I hit a wall. Like, Great Wall of China. I sat down for 30 seconds and realized I couldn't move. No joke. You could've put s'mores on the floor next to me and I wouldn't have even moved to get them. If you know me, you know thats a big deal. 

There are dishes that need to be done, toys that need to be picked up, and a basket of laundry that has needed to be folded for a couple of days. But right now. I just need me time. I need to sit back and relax and just unwind from a busy day. And you know what? Thats okay! I realized a long time ago that sometimes we can't do EVERYTHING and thats okay. Its okay to have a messy house. A messy house is a loved house and it will never make me any less of a mom. I had to learn the hard way to accept that I'm not perfect and sometimes I just have to stop and take a breather. And the best part about it is knowing that my husband and kids still love me even if they step on a car in the middle of the night or have to eat cereal out of tupperware. I'm proud of myself, I put my big girl panties on today and got a lot of things accomplished. I haven't given up on myself and I feel great about the life I am creating even if its not perfect. 

And now its time for me to fabulously catch up on my silly TV shows while I lay on my heating pad and indulge in a couple pieces of caca. 

XOXO, Kelsi

Ps. Tomorrow I'm doing something called "Sweatshop Yoga" google told me it was like rowdy yoga. I'm still not sure what that means... Wish me luck! I have a feeling I'm gonna need it. 

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